American Legion Post 109 in Hartwell, GA hosted an inaugural "Salute to Women!" Veteran and Legion Secretary Alice Green hosted the event and provided a warm welcome to all. For many it was the first time visiting the beautiful post on a golf course. Humble Warrior served as a wellness presenter along with The Rescue at Spirit Ridge Farm (an equine-learning nonprofit). the Humble Warrior two pillars of connection and wellness were explored. All participants, and one amazing service dog named Monty, participated in a series of integrated icebreakers to quickly connect and warm up the room. Then, our Chair Raquel provided everyone with their own resistance band and led the group in an easy to do home exercise sequence. We are already looking forward to next year's gathering!
Our Humble Warrior Nonprofit Directors, Raquel and Katie, were honored to participate and complete the V-Wise (Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship) program and attend the Atlanta 2024 Conference. Over 220 women veterans and military spouses gathered from all over the country to hear motivational speakers, technical experts, and representatives from various industries impart their knowledge and share their experiences. Now, as alumni, they can participate in a strong alumni network, post-program support, a have access to a wide variety of resources hosted by Syracuse University's D'Anielle Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and the US Small Business Administration (SBA).
Humble Warrior is reaching out to connect where women veterans and first responders are already gathering across Georgia. Women veterans "meet up" monthly at different geographical locations usually over lunch or a special planned event. We kicked off this Lunch & Learn series by providing a Mindful Chair Yoga class at the Switzer Library in Marietta, GA.
Veteran Host Sharon and our Chair Raquel shared the importance of making connections and how it reduces social isolation. Humble Warrior presented each participant with a special gift of tea curated to cultivate a feeling of calmness.
In a collaborative effort with Georgia Military Women, Humble Warrior has plans to share holistic wellness practices and break bread with these awesome women who served! We are looking forward to exploring wellness practices in Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Northwest, and the greater Atlanta area of Georgia throughout the year! We give a big and heartful thank you to Gail our #1 volunteer, for coordinating and literally mapping out the events for us!
For more information on these meet ups please follow us, and Georgia Military Women on Facebook.
As adults we are all familiar with CPR and Basic First Aid. In fact, the Bee Gee's song "Staying Alive" is playing in my head. Many jobs require it for employment, and many people seek it for personal and family safety. Well, did you know there is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training?
We know that mental health is so important and our own Humble Warrior Chair completed the MHFA training and we hope you do too! The National Council for Behavior Health depicts the program as such, "MHFA was designed to extend the concept of first aid training to mental health and substance use challenges. Mental Health First Aid teaches participants to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health or substance use challenge, how to listen nonjudgmentally and give reassurance to a person who may be experiencing a mental health or substance us challenge, and how to refer a person to appropriate support and services."
If you want to get trained or become familiar with the 5-step action plan called "ALGEE," reach out to Help make the world a little safer and kinder for all!
Everything came together for our first-ever silent auction! We enjoyed comfortable weather, delightful handcrafted wine, and the company of wonderful women as we explored wellness together. We give a big "Thank you!" to everyone who donated the 30 auction items and everyone who supported us in raising $911 (yes, we added it 3 times and it ironically turned out to be 9-1-1).
Our wonderful host Marcy, greeted everyone and our own Board-member Katie checked in each person. Our Chair, Raquel, kicked off the event by sharing our Humble Warrior story and then led a mindfulness class and an outdoor gentle yoga practice. Inside Marcy's beautiful home, the silent auction ran quietly in the background as attendees bid on their favorite wellness item or homemade craft. Gorgeous charcuterie boards by veteran-owned Kennesaw Mountain Chair Company raised the highest dollars. We are very appreciative to chair maker Michael Lipper for generously donating four boards.
After yoga, everyone had the opportunity to enjoy a Watkinsville Wine sampling. The handcrafted fruit wine sampling included fruit that is grown in Georgia: Elderberry, Sweet Blueberry, Pear, Cranberry, and Pink Moscato. Elderberry and Peach were the group's favorites. Again, we thank everyone for a wonderful event that supports programs and resources for first responders and veterans. Be well!
For the third year in a row, Mitsubishi's METUS reached out to Humble Warrior to provide Mindfulness training for their Accelerate Leadership Program. The entire organization embraces mindfulness and included it in their published 2023 Core Values. During the workshop, leaders discussed the benefits of a variety of mindfulness practices that included breathing exercises, reading positive material, and making eco-friendly swaps. Next, they used our time blocking and energy tracking tool to create a personalized mindfulness practice. One participant shared that "creating my own practice helps make mindfulness stick." The Conference Coordinator thanked us for a fabulous workshop and assured us that a lot of benefits will come from this training.
If your corporate or private organization is interested in setting up mindfulness training, please contact
On August 29th, Humble Warrior provided a trauma informed yoga class for the Women Initiate Self Healing and Hope (WISH) organization. WISH helps women gain support, insight, and strength from other women who have experienced domestic violence. WISH also provides safe refuge and other support resources.
The coordinators, JoLynn and Elizabeth, welcomed us and joined us. The participants shared a favorite takeaway at the end of their practice and were encouraged to incorporate this yoga practice into their lifestyle wellness routine.
For more information about WISH, visit them online: WISH
As part of a Servant Leadership Conference, we had the wonderful opportunity to provide our Humble Warrior Mindful Leadership Workshop to Mitsubishi leaders. Mindfulness techniques were woven into leadership topics of feedback, burnout, and team awareness and practiced onsite. We thank Dr. Marianne Greenfield for inviting us once again to teach and explore wellness. If you or your company is interested in this 75 minute workshop, please contact our Chairwoman at
The GA Association of Women in Public Safety (GAWPS) held its 2022 Conference at the beautiful Brasstown Valley Resort April 18-21. Over 170 women attended from various areas of public safety to include: Fire, Police, EMS, Dispatchers, Probation Officers, Corrections, Department of Natural Resources, and various state agencies.
Humble Warrior Chairwoman, Raquel Durden, served as their Keynote Speaker highlighting mindful leadership and provided morning and evening yoga classes. We were honored to support and attend this important event. A special thank you to Executive Director Police Chief Courtney Gale for inviting us and to GAWPS President Cheri Akselsen and the Board of Directors for organizing an amazing conference focused on resiliency.
We are thrilled to announce that the inaugural "Women in the Water!" event at the Georgia Aquarium was a huge success. Over March 12-13th, certified SCUBA divers and experienced snorkelers participated in an amazing underwater experience intended to provide adventure, support, connections, and great memories for women veterans.
This could not have occurred without several non-profit and veteran service organizations joining forces in recognition of Women's History Month. Three women veteran empowered organizations had a vision for this unique event: Humble Warrior Wellness and Yoga Inc. (Humble Warrior), LifeWaters nonprofit, and Georgia Military Women (GMW). The turnout was incredible with over 40 women veterans attending. Women flew in from Colorado, Missouri, Texas, and Wisconsin to join local Georgia women veterans. A warm welcome and inspiring messages were provided by leaders from the partner organizations: Jill Campbell, LifeWaters Vice President and Director of Training, Dr. Amy Stevens, Founder of GMW and US Navy Veteran, and Raquel Durden, retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and Humble Warrior Chairwoman. Having the support of the newly appointed Georgie Veteran Services Commissioner, Patricia "Trish" ross, was a delight as she shared reflections from her first 100 days in the position.
Over the two-day event, two dive groups and four snorkel groups shared the water with gentle giants such as whale sharks, giant manta rays, a rescue sea turtle named Tank the Turtle, and more. Tess O'brien, a US Navy veteran shared, "This was by far, the most amazing and humbling thing I have done." LifeWaters specializes in SCUBA diving training for disabled individuals (veterans, first responders, and civilians). The SCUBA diving skills are adapted for each disabled diver. As a nonprofit, they rely on donations, grants, and their volunteer dive staff to provide this wellness resource and experience. This was an adventure of a lifetime. We are so proud to say that women veterans made a BIG splash in the Georgia Aquarium and in the lives of other women veterans.
Please visit LifeWaters to learn more about this amazing partner organization!
She Served
Celebrating Women Veterans
By Martina's Images Photography
She may be a dancer, a doctor, or a mom now. Whoever she is now, she also once served her country with honor and grace. She is a military veteran.
Women of all ages, ranks, and levels of authority serve in all branches of the U.S. Military. Over two million veterans in the United States today are women. Unfortunately, all too often we overlook these women who served alongside men, and much of the public still equates military veterans with men. Being a retired veteran myself, I have experienced many instances where I was believed to be the wife of a Veteran and not the Veteran.
As a photographer, I felt I could contribute in a small way to bring the much-deserved attention to women Veterans, and so the "She Served" project was born. She Served is a celebration of military women, an acknowledgement of everything they accomplished while serving in the military, and recognition of everything they are still accomplishing today. Almost all the women I photography still have a servant heart and serve their community in one way or another. By creating a portrait that portrays who they are now and sharing a little about those incredible women, I am hoping that many more people will join me in recognizing and honoring all our women veterans.
I invite you to take a moment and page through my virtual magazine to get acquainted with these incredible women veterans. And, if you know someone who you would like to be recognized by the She Served project, feel free to nominate them by emailing me at I can't wait to meet and photograph many more of these amazing women.
Martina is a USAF Veterans and Professional Photographer
Click here to check out the She Served Project or visit Martina's Professional Photography Page Martina's Images
We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday by taking time to reflect on what you are thankful for this year. Our biggest "Thank you" of the year goes out to The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) who awarded us a grant that enabled us to reach out and provide for women veterans in new and meaningful ways.
Thank you DVNF! You have made this year amazing for us at Humble Warrior and all the women veterans we were able to connect with and support.
Athens, Georgia, June 30, 2021— Humble Warrior Wellness & Yoga, Inc is honored to announce it has received a capacity building grant from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) for $13,000, which will fund Veteran Wellness Resource Kits for women veterans who participate in our wellness programs.
Raquel Durden, Executive Director and co-founder of Humble Warrior Wellness & Yoga, Inc said, “With this wonderful grant, we will be able to provide women veterans with resources, tools, and equipment to integrate the wellness practices we teach them at retreats into their daily lifestyle."
Joseph VanFonda (USMC, Sgt. Maj. Ret.) CEO of Disabled Veterans National Foundation shared, “We are proud to support Humble Warrior Wellness & Yoga, as they continue to make a positive impact in veterans’ lives. We would like to congratulate and thank them for their commitment to assisting the men and women who served in defense of our country.”
Humble Warrior Wellness & Yoga, Inc, a 501(c)3 public charity nonprofit established in 2018, provides free wellness classes, workshops, and retreats to women veterans. We teach, resource, and provide trauma-informed and evidence-based wellness practices for mind, body, and soul. Humble Warrior serves women of various backgrounds and identities. We create community in person and through online platforms to encourage and facilitate widespread connections to weave wellness and resilience into lifestyles.
Disabled Veterans National Foundation exists to provide critically needed support to disabled and at-risk veterans who leave the military wounded—physically or psychologically—after defending our safety and our freedom. DVNF achieves this by:
▪Offering direct financial support to veteran organizations that address the unique needs of veterans, and whose mission align with that of DVNF.
▪Providing supplemental assistance to homeless and low-income veterans through the Health & Comfort program and various empowerment resources.
▪Providing an online resource database that allows veterans to navigate the complex process of seeking benefits that they are entitled do as a result of their military service, as well as additional resources they need.
▪Serving as a thought leader on critical policy issues within the veteran community and educating the public accordingly.
About Humble Warrior Wellness & Yoga: We are women supporting women who serve and have served! Humble Warrior provides free wellness retreats, workshops, and classes for women veterans promoting healthy living and social connections. Visit for additional details.
For more information about the Disabled National Veterans Foundation (DVNF) please visit their website at
As we celebrate our 2nd birthday, the Humble Warrior Board of Directors decided to fully embrace the well known scripture “Iron Sharpens Iron” by taking a deeper look at our nonprofit organization. We literally wanted to take the time and invest the resources to sharpen our edge as we continue to grow. We are interested in finding out attitudes and reactions from our website subscribers; gauging opinions about the services we provide women veterans (Active, Guard, Reserve, and Veteran) and women first responders; measuring our reputation among supporters, donors, and clients; and establishing a benchmark for why our retreat graduates remain connected to us.
To see ourselves better, we administered our first ever “How Are We Doing?” evaluation survey administered on September 12, 2020, to our Day of Wellness retreat graduates. Specifically, we measured seven key areas: Representation, Diversity & Inclusion, Quality, Self-Assessment, Impact, Connectedness, and Reputation.
Representation: 97.5% of graduates responded that they have a clear understanding that Humble Warrior supports all women veterans and women first responders.
Diversity & Inclusion: 100% of graduates responded that they felt comfortable and safe connecting with Humble Warrior to learn holistic wellness modalities.
Quality: 97.5% of graduates responded that Humble Warrior delivers a Successful Wellness Program including camaraderie and emotional well-being.
Self-Assessment: Graduates rated their pre-event wellness status at 87.5%.
Impact: Graduates rated their post-event wellness status at 95%; an improvement of 7.5%.
Connectedness: 97.5% of graduates responded that they subscribed to our website and our Humble Warrior Wellness & Yoga, Inc Facebook page to receive and access wellness resources.
Reputation: 100% of graduates responded that they would recommend Humble Warrior to women veterans and women first responders.
We hope you all stay tuned for future analysis and our application of this important feedback. We thank everyone who participated in the survey for their honest and timely input!
Sometimes you never know unless you we asked! We wanted to know the top reasons why women veterans and women first responders connect with us.
Sharon, an Army veteran, attended multiple retreats with us and serves as a volunteer working information tables and taking photos. She simply responded, “I’m a smart cookie. I know what’s good for me.” Another veteran shared, “I am just having a hard time lately. Y’all have helped save my life. I made friends in Humble Warrior that really care about my well-being.”
To obtain a more evidenced-based response, on September 28, 2020, we conducted a benchmark poll of our graduate community to identify the top reasons.
The top 4 reasons for connecting with Humble Warrior: